Sunday, February 17, 2008

Online Gradebook--Engrade Critique

Engrade was very user-friendly. I liked how it took you step by step to create your class grade book, breaking it down from-- how much homeworks, classworks, projects, tests, quizzes or exams can weigh; having each student files all compiled and organized for all the activities; how you can track attendance and anecdotal notes for citizenship for each student. Lesson plans alone eat up so much time from teachers, why can’t grading be any easier—thank goodness to this beautiful software!!!

Engrade is definitely something teachers can find useful! It makes grading easier and tracking students grades to see how they are doing. Being able to print out each student’s grade sheet and sending it home every week can be ideal to show parents how their child is performing. If there should be any concerns it can be address earlier than mid-progress or report card days, which lessens the load for the teacher to deal with.

This would be useful to send out to the parents to show their child’s progress; on the other hand, if they have access to computers then teachers’ can give parents access to view their child’s grades.